Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Life Influences

It is hard to pin point one thing in my life that changed my perception. But if I had to narrow it down to something I guess it would be entering college. I know it sounds cliché but its true. I went to Catholic school from middle school to high school. So twelve years of my life I had religion class and went to church on days other than Sunday. The education was great and I really appreciated everything I learned. I just always felt there was something more. I was taught to believe in heaven and hell and how god created everything. Then in my next class we learned about the big bang theory and how that created the universe. So I always felt school kind of contradicted everything.
One of my first classes I had at community college was a philosophy class. I had a brilliant professor and he really changed my ideas on things I wasn’t sure of in high school. I was taught even in high school that if you do something horrible you would go to hell. One of the things he let us think about was hell isn’t the same for everyone. For twelve years hell for me was evil, scary and horrible. I still think it is but what about everyone else. Maybe hell is heaven for some. That was just one thing he taught us that really made me think. That one class in college changed twelve years of thinking in one semester. I still believe in God, and I still go to church, its just religion and God are a little altered now.

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